

Created by Addax Games

A cooperative campaign experience for 1-4 adventurers set in a fantasy world on the brink of being consumed by nature. Setup in only 5 minutes, and complete a scenario in 30 minutes per player. Pre-Orders & Late Pledges are open now for a limited time!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update: The votes are in! (And an Origins recap)
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 03:35:16 PM

Greetings Rovers! The rise and fall of the great ball of heat in the sky has denoted that it’s time for us to tally up the votes for what you all desired out of our bonus material! Thanks to everyone who voted and left comments, we really appreciate it! ❤️

Mo & Makaal's Excellent Adventure
Basin of Echoes: 19.8%
Thunder Mesa: 38.5%
Zydero Reef: 41.6%

Each of these served a dual purpose. Any of the options would feature both a reward and a character spotlight for one of the members tagging along with the party. The winner (by a surprisingly close margin) turned out to be Zydero Reef–the home of Mo! 

Dangerous Ecology
Hoary Sloprout: 44%
Kaleido: 56%

The extra boss you all voted for! With the Kaleido you’ll have your opportunity to contend with this mother of crystal later on in your adventure. Bosses are a lot of fun both to design and play, so we’re happy to have one that falls just a little outside of the narrative purview.

Behold the Kaleido - Now fully colored by Alexandr Elichev!

Glyph Autonomos
Operior: 48%
Vertex: 52%

This one was quite close! Silky will confer the knowledge of crafting the Vertex to M&M over the course of your adventure and you’ll have the ability to bring along this gleaming testament to zusag education. 

The Vertex will now be available to all Rovers!

Friends in need are friends indeed
Daring: 36%
Hra: 64%

The introduction of a new character entirely! Hra’s unique disposition captured quite a swathe of the votes. We’re excited to get into some of the more esoteric motivations that drive the inhabitants of Chorus.

Hra, the maundering starling.

We’re all back from Origins now, but what a trip! It was awesome having so many of our backers stop by in person to hang out, and yet more new faces attracted by Alexandr’s fantastic artwork. From here on we’re going to be buckling down and working on polishing Rove for all of you that helped make this happen!

The Addax Convention Crew at Origins! From left to right (Michael Elices, Raul Beltran, West Todd, and Tyvan Grossi)

Some of you may remember Raul Beltran; we’ve officially adopted him as part of the Addax Games team! Some of his duties will be as a Playtest Coordinator, so you’ll be catching him around our Discord helping to organize all of that. We’ll be sending out an official call to action in the near future, but if you’re at all interested in helping us playtest and polish the game stop by and let Josh or Raul know!

Welcome to the team at Addax Games, Raul!

We also had loads of fun getting to show Alexandr Elichev around the sights of Ohio. Big thanks to everyone who stopped by for prints and signatures! Turns out there might have been a few sources of inspiration at Origins and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History…  

Alexandr Elichev finding new inspiration on our trip to Origins.

We’re planning on two more in-person appearances this year at Gen Con and PAX Unplugged, but otherwise we’re all nose to grindstone for the rest of the year! You can always get ahold of us through the various sources in the signature, Kickstarter messages, or email, but Origins marked largely the end of our Kickstarter convention blitz.

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You can find us here: 

🧙 The Addax Team

Late Pledges are now open!
4 months ago – Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 04:54:35 AM

Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce that we’ve got things sorted on our side with Backerkit, so any backers of the project will soon be able to edit their pledges, add-ons, and delivery information. This also means that New Late-Pledges are now available! Be sure to check out the link at the front of our Kickstarter page if you're looking to pledge for the first time, and for those looking to upgrade we will have our surveys sent out on July 1st.

If you missed out on the campaign but decide that you’re interested in Rove after all, you’ll now have the opportunity to do so for a limited time. 

To that end, if you’re not sure but have been keeping an eye on us (or if you are sure and just want to come see us), we’re at Origins Game Fair along with Alexandr Elichev and our friends at Forteller right now so you can check things out in the flesh! If that isn’t your cup of tea we also have our Tabletop Simulator demo available as well. We're also always available on our Discord or other socials (found in the signature of each post).

If you're at Origins, be sure to stop by Booth 131 to meet up with the Addax Team, get a signed print from Alexandr Elichev, and learn about our official audio companion from Nate at Forteller!

We’re committed to making sure we do everything we can to hit our May 2025 delivery–a big part of that is pushing our playtesting schedule to fully test the more dramatic encounters designed for the game. If you’re at all interested in joining as a playtester you can join our Discord and get in touch with Playtest Lead Joshua Levinson! Naturally that process will involve significant spoilers so only join if that doesn’t worry you.

All of us here at Addax want to thank you all again for supporting our dream and helping to make this a success! We’re excited to bring the world of Rove to your tables and hear what you think.

Want to receive more frequent updates? 
You can find us here: 

The Addax Team

Origins Announcement! 🎲
4 months ago – Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 03:17:56 PM

Hey there Rovers! Apologies for the brief quiet–-we had a lot of recovering and re-gearing to do after the campaign’s wild success. 

First thing is that we’ve got another con appearance coming up! Origins Game Fair at Columbus, Ohio. Something very special we have planned for this appearance is that we’ve brought along our Principal Artist Alexandr Elichev! We highly recommend taking the chance to get your hands on some signed prints as it’s quite rare to find him within our earthly dimension! If nothing else be sure to stop by and give him a warm welcome to the US! 

You’ll also have the chance to hang out with Lead Developer Tyvan Grossi, Project Manager Michael Elices, and Marketing Flamingo West Todd. This is another opportunity for you to see and feel Rove in person (and ask the team questions about the game directly). The rest of the team will also be around and available on our Discord (found in the signature at the bottom of the post as always). Guided playtests will resume some time after the con, but anyone is welcome to poke at our Tabletop Simulatordemo and leave comments there or in the Discord.

As a final reminder there are several votes for our Stretch Goal materials that we’re going to put a pin in after the team returns from Origins. If you haven’t voted already this will be your last chance! The stretch goal votes include:

We’re excited to get back to updating you all more regularly than we have been. It won’t quite be the daily updates as during the campaign but we promise they’ll be much more consistent!

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You can find us here: 

The Addax Team


We did it!
4 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 12:45:17 PM

What an incredible journey this has been so far! When I started making custom content for what eventually turned into the Crimson Scales, it was purely a passion project and I had no idea it would eventually lead me into entering the industry with my own team.

After my positive experience with the Crimson Scales, as the dreamer I am, I began to dream. I dreamed of creating my own universe (with the help of our talented team) as a platform to continue to passionately create fun, high-quality gameplay content for the community to enjoy. 
Thanks to you - the community of backers - this dream is now a reality.
Whether you're joining me on this journey for the first time with Rove, or you've had the opportunity to play something I've created in the past, I am extremely grateful for the faith and support you've placed in me and the wonderful team I am honored to be working with. Now that we've successfully funded our first official Kickstarter as Addax Games, my team and I are eager to work tirelessly to fulfill this dream and continue walking this journey together. 
I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share the details as they unfold in the coming weeks and months. Until next time, fellow Rovers!
-Motti Eisenbach 

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🧙 The Addax Team

450k - New Stretch Goal Unlocked!
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 06, 2024 at 03:19:34 PM

Just a few hours left in the campaign and it’s been a frenzy! At 450k here we’re going to develop more item cards–being affectionately bundled with the label of “Mo & Makaal’s Secret Stash” due to them being some of the stranger ideas we had worried were a bit too strange to try and work out in manufacturing.

Mo and Makaal exploring a village along the northwest river.

Items in Rove are one of the more “standard” components we have. There was a point where we discussed making all of them flip the same way skill cards do but that proved to be a bridge too far in terms of planning and mental overhead. We figured we’d revisit those concepts in the future–a more distant future. It would seem the time has come earlier than anticipated with everyone’s support.

With your support we’re going to go ahead and pop the tin on those loftier concepts (among some others) and create a package of items that are more… functionally esoteric. We’re not entirely certain how many, or how wild we can get, but we’ll do our best to impress everyone with the selection!

While Mo and Makaal already have a wide selection of available wares, we're excited to show you some truly exotic pieces.

To be honest we’d really like to hear from you guys on this! What kinds of weird items in RPGs float your boat? Do flipping items make you flip out? Are armor sets something that set your heart aflame? Is building your own items something worth building towards? You’ve all handed us quite the oyster getting us this far. Comment or join us on our socials and let us know!

The next stretch goal at 475k is adding some additional components for the Dune Dancer and Sophist Rovers–each of them gaining one additional summon. Summons are a great time but we always wanted to be reasonable about production and component bloat. Like the 425k goal, we’re now in safer territory for fitting more stuff into the box without destabilizing the price or timetable for Backers! Thank you all for the support 👏

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🪶 Charles and the Addax Team